
Muncie Friends Church: A Quaker Meeting

OUR MISSION:  Nourishing people’s hearts and minds, bodies and souls.

Statement of Affirmation

Muncie Friends Church aims to be a loving, inclusive congregation by creating a nourished community for all.

“I have called you friends.”
John 15:15

Muncie Friends Church is a fellowship of persons who desire to be open to hearing the operative Inner Light of Christ. We are a community in which each of us work to discern God’s call in our lives, both individually and corporately, through mutual prayer, worship and service. Jesus Christ is the head of this Meeting, and members seek harmony, listening to the divine voice from within.

We desire to live and work in a manner in which simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and good stewardship of the planet are evident. This is done as we listen to the Inner Light of Christ, weighing our spiritual and historical tradition, scriptural authority, and personal experience. The result being our lives are increasingly filled with moments where those testimonies become true, enabling us to create the felt presence of God in real and tangible ways.

We believe:

And that leads us to practice community with the following agreements:

We will embody the fruits of the Spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

            We will practice empathy and compassion

            We will seek to understand above being understood

We will wear a thick skin so others may express their authentic thoughts and feelings

            We will actively listen in love

            We will be prepared to agree to disagree if necessary

            We will try not to ramble

            We will not play the role of know-it-all

            We will look for opportunities to find common ground

            We will acknowledge God’s presence among us and in each one of us

            We will lay down the need to persuade

            We will try not to be defensive, nor will we posture ourselves for the offense

—Pastor Bob Henry (Indianapolis First Friends)

In keeping with the Quaker value of equality, we affirm and promote participation in all our activities and services without regard to race, color, ethnicity, gender, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, debility, national origin, political orientation, educational level, economic status, or creed.